UK government’s acquisition of the Marbles
The assertion by the British Museum on its website that the Parthenon Marbles were legally obtained is unproven and unsafe. The BCRPM therefore states on its own website in the name of balance and objectivity that the legality of the UK government’s acquisition of the Marbles remains entirely unproven.

For 200 years the Greeks have been yearning for the return of their marble sculptures taken by England from the Parthenon.

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A must listen podcast with Mark Stephens and Alex Herman. Relevant to the status quo.
The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles

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Leading Quotes
Supportive Views

"The British Museum could become a truly moral, world Museum of the 21st century, recognising that Athens, having built a home for the Parthenon sculptures, is worthy of exhibiting the surviving fragmented pieces in the Acropolis Museum."
- Dame Janet Suzman

"It would be a good thing if the British Museum gave the 2,500-year-old sculptures back to Greece. Even in England the polling is in favour of returning the marbles."
- George Clooney

"Where is that firman? (the Ottoman document used by Elgin as the basis of proving the supposed legality of the Marbles’ removal) Does it exist? Recognising that what you did in the past isn't always the right thing for the present. You can't justify something now with what took place 200 years ago."
- Victoria Hislop

Case for Return

The Parthenon Gallery in the Acropolis Museum, is the one place on earth where it is possible to experience simultaneously the Parthenon and its missing sculptures.

History of Marbles
The History of the Marbles

For 200 years the Greeks have been yearning for the return of their marble sculptures taken by England from the Parthenon.

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Emanuel J Comino in an interview on the first episode of the Parthenon Channel

The first program in a series of lectures and webinars created by the International Committee - Australia - for the Restitution of Parthenon Marbles (IOC-A-RPM) was aired at the end of August 2022.

This first interview is with Emanuel J Comino AM, the founder of the first committee campaigning for reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, and provides a moving insight into what campaigners that began adding their support over four decades ago did to keep the topic top of mind.

Emanuel is presently Chair of the International Committee - Australia - for the Restitution of Parthenon Marbles (IOC-A-RPM), and Vice Chair of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures.He was re-elected Vice-Chair  of the IARPS in September 2022 at the IARPS conference in Athens.

Watch this first Episode and follow the Parthenon Channel to watch comprehensive interviews, at a significan time in the campaign, as the inevitable reunification of the Parthenon Marbles becomes ever closer!

BCRPM wishes to thank Emanuel and his committee, for decades of support and friendship.

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